
Statement from the Management

The basis of all of our actions at the Franz Morat Group is compliance with the applicable national and international statutory regulations. Furthermore, as a company group, we place a high value on protecting the environment, observing human rights, work and social standards as well as anti-discrimination and anti-corruption guidelines.

We also expect this from all of our business partners. For this reason, we have defined our core principles in our Code of Conduct as well as within our Corporate Policy. The Code of Conduct as well as our Corporate Policy are guides for our behavior in business relations and apply to each of us.

These rules are supplemented by the following informer system, which employees, business partners and even third parties can use at any time to report rule-breaking behavior.

If you want to submit a report, you have the following reporting options:

Reporting channels

You can find more information about the procedure here:


Privacy Policy

Complaint Procedure Policy


By form with the following Button

Submit a compliance report




What does compliance mean?

Compliance is the adherence to laws and internal company rules. For the Franz Morat Group, this specifically means that all business activities of our company group as well as those of our employees must be in agreement with statutory regulations, our Code of Conduct and additional relevant guidelines and instructions.

What should be done if compliance violations occur?

All our employees are asked to report possible violations and thus help limit the consequences of those violations and prevent similar misbehavior in the future. The same applies to business partners as to anyone else.

Who can report violations?

  • All employees, including trainees, students, doctoral students or interns
  • All external parties (e.g. temporary workers or employees of external service providers)
  • All business partners (e.g. suppliers, customers or cooperation partners)
  • All third parties

Which violations can be reported?

All violations of laws, the Code of Conduct or other internal regulations can be reported. We also differentiate between the following in our online portal:

  • Human rights and environmental issues, risks, or violations in the supply chain
  • Complaints/concerns about all possible ESG issues (environmental, social and governance issues)
  • Data protection violations
  • Other violations of EU and national law
  • Other complaints or reports

What does protection of whistleblowers mean?

Whistleblower protection refers to measures taken to protect individuals who report information about misconduct, wrongdoing or illegal activities in organisations. These individuals are often referred to as ‘whistleblowers’. Protection can take various forms, including legal, organisational and personal measures to ensure that whistleblowers do not suffer reprisals or negative consequences if they disclose wrongdoing. Such measures may include anonymity, confidentiality, legal protection against retaliation, and support and counselling for whistleblowers.

Is suspicion enough for a report, even without evidence?

Yes, because every report leads to an internal company investigation in which the information is followed up accordingly. By reporting all suspicions or concerns, it is possible to recognise potential problems at an early stage and investigate them before they develop into major problems.

Which focus should I choose?

Generally, all areas of specialisation can be used. However, completing the questions in our online portal ensures that the person processing the report receives all the necessary information and thus avoids any ambiguities.